Mental Health

We work with a wide range of emotional and behavioral issues. Our goal is to create a safe, non-judgmental, and caring place where adults, children, adolescents, and their families not only feel heard but understood. 

By providing a comfortable and supportive atmosphere, our aim is to offer highly personalized approaches that are tailored to each individual’s needs in order to help them attain the changes and personal growth they seek.

Counseling & Recovery


    Navigating through experiences, feeling, beliefs emotions to better understand where you are today and why you feel the way you do. We will focus on identifying the main factors in your life that are causing you the most harm


    We focus on building a stronger relationship at any stage. Financial issues, children, sex & intimacy, differences in belief systems, roles in relationships, etc. are just some of the areas we can target and move you to a more understanding position.


    Guidance and support for our youth is needed on a large scale. Our youth face so much it is hard to cope and to sort out the many feelings. They need a safe place to work through and process what they are dealing with. Therapy is a good environment to help them find the direction that they need.


    Sharing similar experiences can be extremely helpful and motivating. Working alongside others with similar struggles is less isolating and can be helpful with the therapy itself.

Our desire is for you to be able to explore and develop in a safe space personalized to meet your individual needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • For most people your insurance should cover online therapy, however, we encourage you contact your provider to verify that it is covered. We accept all insurances including medical assistance and other state health plans. A reduced rate for uninsured private pay patients is available.

  • We offer services through out the week, as well as evening hours Monday through Thursday. Normally, a first appointment will be scheduled within 48 hours.

  • No, you can use your mobile phone or any other device. You will receive a link to download the app to your mobile device.

  • No, none of your sessions will be recorded. Your privacy is very important to us.

  • For our virtual or online therapy, we use a HIPAA compliant platform called MYIO that you can download, or click a link your provider will send you and will automatically open in your web browser to start the session. This link will work on your computer or smartphone, or you can download the app to your smartphone. This will allow us to have secure therapy sessions virtually. Your therapist will assist you with a link they send you via email to the secure platform at the time of your appointment and will be there to walk you through any issues you may have.

  • Please reach out to your therapist or call (612) 429-1662