See your Therapist from anywhere, on any device!

  • With our skilled Mental Health Providers, we have one suited to your unique needs.

  • Eliminate extra commutes or taking time off from work or school.

  • Most insurances cover Telehealth services.

  • All insurances, HSA cards, and private pay accepted.

Contact Us

Fill out our Request and Appointment online or call us at 612) 429-1662 to book an appointment.

Getting started with telehealth

Get Matched

Our friendly registration staff will connect you with an experienced Provider, suited to your unique needs.

See Your Provider

Use any device for your virtual appointment. In-person appointments are also available.

Continue Your Care

With years of our providers experience, you can count on reliable continuing care with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • For most people your insurance should cover online therapy, however, we encourage you contact your provider to verify that it is covered. We accept all insurances including medical assistance and other state health plans. A reduced rate for uninsured private pay patients is available.

  • We offer services through out the week, as well as evening hours Monday through Thursday. Normally, a first appointment will be scheduled within 48 hours.

  • No, you can use your mobile phone or any other device. You will receive a link to download the app to your mobile device.

  • No, none of your sessions will be recorded. Your privacy is very important to us.

  • For our virtual or online therapy, we use a HIPAA compliant platform called MYIO that you can download, or click a link your provider will send you and will automatically open in your web browser to start the session. This link will work on your computer or smartphone, or you can download the app to your smartphone. This will allow us to have secure therapy sessions virtually. Your therapist will assist you with a link they send you via email to the secure platform at the time of your appointment and will be there to walk you through any issues you may have.

  • Please reach out to your therapist or call (612) 429-1662